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COVID-19 Information

Check back here periodically to view up-to-date Covid-19 information for

COB Camps.

WPD Camp COVID Protocol

(approved January 8, 2024)

The Western Plains District of the Church of the Brethren, in an effort to provide a safe and enjoyable camping experience for the youth of our district, has developed the following protocol related to COVID 19 for Western Plains District camps, to be updated annually. Please read carefully and contact the director of your camp session if you  have questions. 


The Western Plains District strongly urges all persons attending camp to be fully vaccinated against COVID. Please check with your local family physician. Testing is no longer required prior to the arrival at camp, or upon arrival at camp. Campers are encouraged to stay home if they have known exposure to COVID within 10 days prior to camp, or if they are having any symptoms of any contagious illness.


Compared with camping seasons following 2020, we are pleased to be able to roll back many of the COVID precautions.  Should we have a large outbreak, camp director, camp medical director, camp medical staff, and OMT district leadership may take additional action as appropriate.


Camp Life 

  • As long as there are no cases of COVID, camp life will be as usual: 

  • Campers generally will not be required to wear masks, but may do so if they  prefer. 

  • Campers should arrive with their own water bottle.

  • Meals may be served family style or buffet, and may be indoors or outdoors. 

  • Campers will be divided into small groups for activities, discussions, chores as per usual camp tradition. 

  • Singing/chanting at mealtimes will be allowed. Prayers/singing prior to meal times will be done outdoors or indoors. 

  • Singing/chanting at campfire is allowed. 

  • Campers may be transported by vehicle offsite for camp activities (for example hiking or  swimming) as per the discretion of that session’s director(s). Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s director if they have questions about what activities are planned  and how campers will be transported. 


COVID Testing 

  • Any person experiencing possible symptoms of COVID (fever, cough, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, shortness of breath or diarrhea) should notify the camp medical staff  immediately. 

  • All symptomatic persons will be assessed by camp medical staff and will receive on-site COVID testing if deemed appropriate. 

  • Persons who have symptoms but test negative will be allowed to continue to participate normally. 

  • If a camper tests positive they will be isolated and with care of camp staff or ER or hospital, if indicated. 


Contacts of Persons Testing Positive for COVID

  • Persons who have been exposed to an ill person but are not themselves ill, may request a COVID test however we will not require testing. Due to wide availability of COVID vaccinations we will not require isolation of exposed campers. 

  • All persons testing positive will be required to leave camp, as below.


Departure from Camp due to Positive COVID test 

  • Parents/guardians are responsible for transporting the camper off site within 24 hours of the positive test. The camper will need to continue their quarantine off site as per local health department guidelines. 

  • Persons transporting persons in isolation or quarantine may need to also quarantine upon arrival at home, depending on their own vaccination status. 

  • While many campers arrive at camp in a church or group van, it may be necessary for parents/guardians to arrange for individual transport away from camp should their camper test positive for COVID. 

  • Campers who are in isolation (have COVID) may only be transported by their parents/guardians or other individuals who have written permission by the parent/guardian to seek medical evaluation and treatment for the sick person. 

  • Should a significant number of staff develop COVID and it is not possible to maintain adequate staffing as per childcare guidelines, the camp session will terminate early. Parents will be notified and will need to transport their camper off  site within 24 hours. 


Financial Responsibility 

  • Parents are financially responsible for all COVID testing prior to the start of camp as well as any testing done by providers who are not camp staff.  

  • The camps will provide COVID testing for all symptomatic persons as well as intermittent screening of asymptomatic persons.. 

  • The parents are responsible for all costs related to treatment of suspected or confirmed COVID, including urgent care, emergency room or hospital costs. 

  • Persons choosing to cancel their camp registration will be refunded 100% of registration fees if they cancel up to the day prior to the start of camp.  

  • Once camp has started, no refunds will be given, even if the camp session is shortened for any reason for one or more campers.



COB Camp Info
Camp Colorado_Logo(primary).png

Physical address:

238 N. County Highway 67

Sedalia, CO 80135

Off-season mailing address:

PO Box 4021

Parker, CO 80134

Tel: 303-688-4491 (Memorial Day to Labor Day)

Tel: 719-688-2375 (Off-season: 8 am - 8 pm Pacific time)

Fax: 509-278-3742


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© 2018 by Camp Colorado

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